Our Vision for The River Church

Our friends at Hillcrest Baptist Church have been so supportive of us these past two years. It’s hard to imagine how life in Alabama would be without them. God has used our time here in some amazing ways!

I had the opportunity to share our vision for The River Church with Hillcrest on Wednesday, October 30, 2013. What a blessing to be able to share how God has been moving in our lives individually and collectively.

We wanted to share our story with you, too. I pray you are encouraged by what God is doing, especially in the Yakima valley.


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Preparing to LAUNCH


Cheryl and I have taken so many steps on this journey of church planting. Now we’re getting ready for another big one.

Over the next two days we will be attending a church planter assessment retreat led by The LAUNCH Network. We’re excited about this chance to be challenged and encouraged in our call to plant a church in Yakima, Washington. As a result of our time this weekend we hope to have a greater sense of clarity in our calling, as well as an understanding of our strengths and areas of improvement. Another benefit from our time will be the potential for some additional training and coaching. (I could always use some more training!)

We so appreciate your prayers over the next 48 hours (and always!). We are confident that God will use this experience as another important step in our church planting journey.

Grace and peace,


P.S. Click here to Give.

P.S.S. Click “Follow THE RIVER CHURCH” to get e-mail updates from the blog.

How to follow The River Church blog

We can’t thank you enough for praying for us as we pursue this church planting adventure. We are so grateful for our faithful partners who pray, go, give* and advocate for us.

We want you to be able to keep up with the latest blog posts and other information available on our site. So we’ve added a simple tool to help you. Look to the right of the screen.** Go ahead, I’ll wait. . . . Now simply click “Follow THE RIVER CHURCH,” and you can get updates to your email every time we post something new.

Thank you again for your prayers and support!

Grace and peace,



* To partner with us click Give.

** If you’re using a smartphone, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “Follow THE RIVER CHURCH.”

Field Trip Time!

We are chomping at the bit to get on the ground in Moxee!! Our move is barely two months away and there is still so much to do to prepare. We are still looking for a house in Moxee. Please pray that God will direct us to the house he has for us. We are praying for a house that we can use as our “mission headquarters.” God is already providing and we couldn’t be more excited or grateful for his provision!

Please pray for us as we take a trip to WA for a field trip. We will be attending the state convention meeting in November which will take place in Yakima this year. (How convenient!!) At this time, there will be a serious fundraising effort as we will have an opportunity to make contact with as many local pastors and churches as possible. It’s also going to be a great opportunity to meet face-to-face (Skype not necessary!) with our church planting team. We’re very much looking forward to seeing them!

Several people will be working to help us raise support. Will you please be in prayer that we find several churches that would be excited, willing and able to support us in the work in Yakima? Please also continue to pray that we find individuals who are excited to be a part of the work and would be willing and able to offer financial support. Right now, raising financial support is our biggest need so we appreciate your fervent prayers in this area!

That is all for now! Thank you and God bless!